Constructor for Spotify Playlist Class
JSON parsed data of playlist
Data about sporify token for furhter fetching.
Spotify Playlist collaborative boolean.
Spotify Playlist Description
Spotify Playlist fetched tracks Map
Spotify Playlist ID
Spotify Playlist Name
Spotify Playlist Owner Artist data
Boolean to tell whether it is a searched result or not.
Spotify Playlist Spotify data
Spotify Playlist Thumbnail Data
Spotify Playlist total tracks Count
Spotify Class type. == "playlist"
Spotify Playlist URL
Gets total number of pages in that playlist class.
Spotify Playlist total no of tracks that have been fetched so far.
Fetches all the tracks in the playlist and returns them
const playlist = await play.spotify('playlist url')
const tracks = await playlist.all_tracks()
An array of SpotifyTrack
Fetches Spotify Playlist tracks more than 100 tracks.
For getting all tracks in playlist, see total_pages
Playlist Class.
Spotify Playlist tracks are divided in pages.
For example getting data of 101 - 200 videos in a playlist,
const playlist = await play.spotify('playlist url')
await playlist.fetch()
const result =
Page Number
Converts Class to JSON
JSON data
Generated using TypeDoc
Spotify Playlist Class